VSoT: How to Find Vegan-Friendly Places

June is here, and with it comes the unofficial start of summer for many people in Tulsa.

June is here, and with it comes the unofficial start of summer for many people in Tulsa. Memorial Day weekend, the last weekend of May, is often seen as the beginning of the summer season, when people enjoy outdoor activities, barbecues, and trips to the beach.

As a vegan or vegetarian traveler, you might have experienced the frustration of finding vegan options in unfamiliar places. Sometimes, you end up eating the same salad or fries for days, or you have to rely on snacks and fruits from the supermarket. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

With HappyCow, you can easily find vegan and vegetarian restaurants, healthy dining, and health food stores near you or anywhere in the world. HappyCow is an online service that lists sources of vegan, vegetarian and healthy food. You can use their website or download their app to search for vegan-friendly places by location, cuisine, price, and more.

HappyCow is more than just a restaurant guide. It is a way to discover new places, cultures, and flavors while staying true to your vegan values. With HappyCow, you can travel with confidence and enjoy your summer vacation without worrying about what to eat.

However, for us Vegetarian Society of Tulsa participants, the beginning of June, and each and every month, means it is potluck time.  So if you’re traveling into Tulsa, live in the Tulsa area or on your way out of Tulsa for your summer vacation, check out our monthly potluck.  Like HappyCow, you can enjoy good food without worrying about what to eat.

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